Winter 23 | Winters in Oslo with Agathe Berjaut

Agathe is a French born image maker and designer based in Oslo. 

While working in Fashion for over 20 years, she has dedicated her sensitivity to the 
visual language; painting, photographing, collaging, annotating, manipulating, 
Drawing, mixing...
all means necessary to achieve a sense of Beauty.

Devoted to Paper and the Hand Touched, she collects the multiple intonations Of life to create poetic visual stories echoing to the “extra” Ordinary.

"As a believer of the hand touched, I see knitting as a whisper of time. It brings me back to my grandmother that was knitting expertly our whimsical winter outfits.

I know today how much thoughts, beauty and love she was letting go in each stitches to make sure to keep us warm. It's likely these memories connecting me so deeply with Anna's universe. I see dedication, craft, creativity and something made with soul, something TRUE in Misha & Puff. After so long time working in the fashion industry, it is the only reason worth of interest for me and I work with the same values.

With this story I wished to bring on the surface the tactility, the colors and craft behind Misha & Puff's pieces adding the poetry, the playfulness of childhood and manipulating it all into an ode to the HAND."

Wool is warm as a hug i say and in order to survive Scandinavian winters you must wear layers of wool, it feels real and it is only natural way to dress up here! A good sweater will bring you a long way in my everyday :)"

— Agathe x

Art + Photographs by Agathe Berjaut for the Misha & Puff Winter 23 Collection
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